

555 - 'New Omni Vibrational Hymns' (c98) PYR-20

Second Wave Vibes in Double Repeat (c98) from New Orleans' Chris Farstad 

Edition of 50
- Out of Stock -
::: Digital Here :::
Cassette Available at Meditations

"From New Orleans’ Chris Farstad comes a tape with an irresistable title, populated with atmospheric synthesizer psychedelia. Hallucinatory collages form varying colors in their overlapping frequencies, justifying 9+ minute running times for many of the tracks. A highlight is “Eagle Claw,” a magnificent zoner which seems to evoke places drawn from ancestral memory in its expansive depth of field." - Theosophical Society
"Following up his Moon Glyph debut, Chris Farstad (bka as 555) has put forth another collection of minimalist tones and mind-massaging expressions in a new release through Rainbow Pyramid. The six-track EP, accurately labeled New Omni Vibrational Desert Hymns, is a tribute to freeform waves of sound, melding together digital pulses and unraveled shimmers, and the debut single, "Eagle Claw" is as thoughtful as all of Farstad's previous outings." -  Dayna Evans (Senior Editor of Impose Magazine)  

Wave Temples - 'Floating Garden / Hidden Temple' PYR-19

 (deeper ocean, island secrets)
cover photo by John Orsborn
32 minute addendum to 'keys' and 'In the the shade'

Edition of 48
- Out of Stock -
Available Here from Meditations

:: Beautiful Reviews from Microphones in the Trees & Honest Bag ::

"desde la seguridad y la calidez que da el sello Rainbow Pyramid (creo que ninguna de las cintas que editan podrían no gustarme) la persona que hay detrás de Wave Temples se ha ganado un hueco en mi corazón como alquimista capaz de generar lo impensado: nostalgia de una isla secreta tan querida como la de Vladimir Karpov. ¿y cómo no iba a ser fan?. afino el oído y todo me resulta familiar y a la vez desconocido. claro, hay grillos y teclados vetustos e inmediatamente pienso en 'noite' de Dolphins into the Future. y todo me parece como un guiño, todo suena como un clásico de hace tres, cuatro, cinco décadas que nos transporta como lo haría cualquier vinilo editado en Bruton. y pienso que habrá miles de discos acuáticos, relevantes e irrelevantes, todos indispensables para mí por pura debilidad, pero Wave Temples tienen algo de verdad muy especial. quizá por ese punto alucinado y porque es la mezcla perfecta de library music y el sonido delfín. quizá porque lo que hace me parece francamente original, la forma de explorar nuevas texturas, esos interludios gloriosos, divinos, celestiales ('entrance to the seven prism posts outlook', 48 segundos, un loop extraño o un sample bizarro al estilo M.M. Peres...mmm!) remotamente herederos de nombres ilustres como Redolfi y Sciascia. y será que últimamente estoy obsesionada con el organista Pierre Palla, pero 'past the 4 headed birds of paradise' podría ser él. en medio se cuelan continuas referencias a islas, agua, loros, jardines flotantes, templos sagrados, mapas secretos, la fortaleza del elefante (oh...qué bonita)... y 'twin serpent shrine at the heart of the thicket' que es como una mezcla extraña de Spencer Clark y Corum. como ya es tradición, para colocar pegadito a Monte, Terlu, Dolphins into the Future, Fluorescent Heights, Duncan Cameron, Monopoly Child Star Searchers, Dreamers Cloth..."  - Ana (Microphones in Trees)   

"...For over 30 minutes, the listener is transported to a sonic paradise in which they wallow through serene passages comprised of effervescent and soothing sound - faithful vibrations. Patient hymns carried by peaceful waves ripple through one's soul. Wave Temples keen use of texture makes this tape a joyous experience - this tape often loops in the house. Hazy reveries are immersed by a deluge. Introspective waves meander softly in the twilight. Mysterious vibrations mesmerize the listener. Sometimes the swirling drones are situated in remote waters, becoming enervated as they float beyond perception. Pastoral vibrations coat awareness with a gauzy, wet film. Slumberous, restive drones loop lazily toward the abyss. The end of side A is fantastic, even a little psychedelic. Sonorous undulations engulf the room. Soon, the tremendous force abates as an incipient menacing drone becomes salient. Upon commencing the flip, majestic, yet unsettling synth exudes a dreamy vibe imbued with uncertainty around the contour. Later on the flip, buoyant synth loops calmly. Crystal-covered waves swell and recede while a serene melody merges. The second to last section on the b-side is one of my favorite sections of the tape. Opaque vibrations and clandestine drone gradually evolve to a state of effervescence.  
Floating Garden/Hidden Temple is a lovely tape that fills my home with beauty as it billows hazily from the speakers, penetrating the indica clouds with ease.               - Honest Bag  

Surrogating - S/T (c30) PYR-18

self titled wanderings from Poland

Edition of 32 

Digital Version here

"Another jammer from the tropical hermits at the Rainbow Pyramid. On the A side, intense drones build to a crescendo of horn smears, while the B side marries lushly recorded nylon string guitar noodles with an insistent Bolero-like beat, wild heart opening sounds amid peals of thunder. Environmental music, similar to a lot of Rainbow Pyramid releases, formless instrumental compositions that construct vivid, humid internal environments."

OPALINE - 'No Worlds' (c44) PYR-17

Smooth Electric Dream Clouds from Portland OR

Edition of 50
- Out of Stock- 
::: Digital here :::
::: Cassette Available at Meditations :::
"The albums by the Portland based New Age re-innovator Opaline have an air of Stellar OM Source awesomeness hanging around him almost from note one. This is a synth project that can bring one some serious audio-hipnosis while not getting too much into one’s face - in fact, it never gets into any face, it practically always stays a mere “wallpaper music”, but this time it’s the kind of wallpaper that shifts colors and shades with each angle and is all adorned with pretty psychedelic swirls and you just can’t take your eyes away, especially since you came here on drugs already. What else would you be doing on this blog right now, all sober!?" - Weed Temple 

Nectar of the Moon - 'Self Born in the Lotus Flower' (c40) PYR-16

New Offering from Ian Najdzionek (Water Lily Jaguar, Dream Safari, Gitche-Anahmi-Bezheu)

Edition of 32 
Out of Stock
"..We've stepped through the mirror into tiny worlds of sound curled up in it's own dimension - there are no songs here to speak of.  There are coursing waves of sound - echoing the electronic experiments of the 70's and those glistening synthesizer trails similar to what Tangerine Dream managed right at the dawn of the 80's.
Side one start with an analog bubble bath, with the verdant patches of tropical alien jungle working its tendrils through the mind.  Around the seven minute mark the drones step up the pace, like the sun blasting the ground with equatorial heat.  Finally the intensity of the drones wither away and envelope the listener in moonlight.  Side two is a touch thinner sounding, with the focus often on high cutoff synthesizer spirals.  It's the early morning awakening of the jungle moon.  Eventually, we come full circle to the dripping banana leaves that began the musical journey.  With the loop of a day on this tropical moon charting a mere thirty minutes, you can spin around in sonic circles, especially if you're ignoring the controls on your media player as I often do.
With just the right images coming through and echoes of some of the better tones of early electronica, this is a very groovy platter for the astral journeyman.  Although not quite up there, this music is a least withing spitting distance of oblique sound voyages such as Tangerine Dream's "Alpha Centauri" or Vangelis' "Beaubourg."
-  Dr.Schluss Garage of Psychedelic Obscurities


Special Bundle  ~ Limited 

End of Fall Special  ~  (Winter Batch coming 21 Dec 2013 
4 Cassettes + 7inch Lathe Cut
$25.00 USD - Postage Paid 

Out of Stock

::  Includes  ::
Astral Planes Drifter (SOS) 2007 Re-Issue (c68)
Re-Issue of the rare (originally self released) album from Astral Planes Drifter 
a.k.a SOS (Seth Ossachite Stephens)

Previously Unreleased Wave Temples 7 inch Lathe Cut

Expertly Hand Crafted 7inch Lathe Cut of unreleased Wave Temples live tracks
Originally created for International Cassette Store Day (2013) 

::::  plus  ::::

Puerta del Sol s/t (c103)

Epic Double Repeat ~ 103 Minute Cassette from Argentina
"magical-realism in creationism, elemental humanity created from the sun and lake."  
- Tape Famous


Cays s/t (c40)

Another offering from secret coves of Fill Spectrum and Port Llanten
"..forces are transmuted into clear, peaceful light
- Theosophical Society 

Shadows Of Vibrate 'Vibrations and Cosmic Rays' (c45)

Compilation of Original Electronic Sound Design from former Altered Matthau veteran
"Magical melodies shimmering, shamanistic electronics, samples from old Hindu ragas, lo-fi sound of old synths" 
- Pied Paper 

- 4 Cassettes + Handcrafted Lathe Cut -
- Limited to only 4 bundles total - 
$25.00 USD - Postage Paid - Anywhere, World.